I.This week we hear parts of Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the Temple. What concerns do you hear Solomon express to God? II.1 Kings 8:22–24, 37–39, 46, 48–50a (NRSVue) Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Judgement
VII.We could make a list of the “facts” Paul calls to the attention of the Christians in Corinth. Well, maybe that would be a good way for us to begin today. What does Paul’s list of “facts” look like? What … Continue reading
IV.We read, “… my reward is with me, to repay …” Again, I wonder if this promise to repay should be heard as something to be hoped for or something to be feared? V.Revelation 22:10-21 (New Revised Standard Version) And … Continue reading
IV.Let’s spend some time giving this passage a slow reading, paying attention to the contrasts Jesus sets before us. V.John 12:44-50 (New Revised Standard Version) Then Jesus cried aloud: “Whoever believes in me believes not in me but in him … Continue reading
VII.Two questions for today. What “path” does the prophet send his words describing? Does the prophet give any hope in these words? VIII.Isaiah 47:10-15 (New Revised Standard Version) You felt secure in your wickedness;you said, “No one sees me.”Your wisdom … Continue reading
I.With this week’s reflections we begin hearing a number of Scriptures with the overarching theme of “New Creation.” However, these words from Isaiah seem far from sounding a note about “new creation.” Does it strike you that way? This week … Continue reading
IV.Let’s continue our focus on David a bit more. V.2 Samuel 12:1-9 (New Revised Standard Version) … and the Lord sent Nathan to David. He came to him, and said to him, “There were two men in a certain city, … Continue reading
I.This week we take up part of the “oracle” and “vision” of the Prophet Nahum concerning Nineveh, Judah, and God. Let’s first spend time with the words of Nahum and listen to them without any judgment on our part. Just … Continue reading
I.As you approach these words of praise, approach with an open heart willing to accept and acknowledge the praise that is voiced, and as best you can notice what their sources of such words are. II.Revelation 19:1-8 (NRSV) After this … Continue reading
This link will take you to our Scripture focus for the week-https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah+29%3A13-24&version=NRSV IV.I have often become frustrated with Scripture passages like this one and like I see so often in the Psalms. There is some part of me that wants … Continue reading