VII.Let’s return to this Gospel’s account of the women’s first experience of resurrection. While the Gospel of Mark ends with a lot unsaid about resurrection, what does it say about resurrection? VIII.Mark 16:1-8 (NRSVue) When the Sabbath was over, Mary … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Mark
IV.Returning to our focus passage for this week, notice all the words that describe what the women had done, were prepared to do and the emotions provoked by what they found and heard. V.Mark 16:1-8 (NRSVue) When the Sabbath was … Continue reading
I.This post goes out on Monday of Holy Week. This week we will spend time with the Gospel of Mark’s account of the dawning of Resurrection Sunday. Before we turn our attention to this passage, take a few moments to … Continue reading
IV.How long does it take for you to “catch-on” to something new? Or maybe the better question for today is how long does it take to move from your perspective on something to a better, more accurate and more complete … Continue reading
VII.After Legion has been freed from the bondage he was in and as Jesus is departing, he asks to stay with Jesus and leave the place filled with the memories of his torment. Jesus denies his request. Why? Does this … Continue reading
IV.Today let’s pay attention to the conversation and interactions between Legion and Jesus. V.Mark 5:1-13, 18-20 (NRSVue) They came to the other side of the sea, to the region of the Gerasenes. And when he had stepped out of the … Continue reading
I.As we spend time this week with “Legion” and Jesus, first take note of how this “out of control man” acts. Do you think “out of control” begins to describe him? It seems appropriate to me. II.Mark 5:1-13, 18-20 (NRSVue) … Continue reading
X.Once more let’s return to our Scripture passage and take time to notice the movement of the crowd, Jesus and Bartimaeus. XII.Mark 10:46-52 They came to Jericho. As he and his disciples and a large crowd were leaving Jericho, Bartimaeus … Continue reading
VI.As you are reading the passage again pay attention to Bartimaeus. Notice not only what he says but how you think he might be saying it and pay attention to all that he does. VII.Mark 10:46-52 They came to Jericho. … Continue reading
I.The focus passage for this week does not mention praise directly even though we are “suppose” to be in a series of passages that focus on praise from one angle or another. So, what do we have before us this … Continue reading