December 27, 2020, Matthew 3:1-12, ISSL Reflections, Post 2

You can find this week’s Scripture at –;CEB

I closed the last post with the question –
“How would you name or describe the core of his call to others?

As I was considering my own question I realized different of us would answer that question differently.

A neo-fundamentalist might hear John’s “revival” like words, assume one kind of context and take the essence of his “sermon” to be one thing.

An evangelical finds the “core” somewhat different. Likewise a Wesleyan, or Anglican, or Western Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox brings a different heritage to the hearing of John’s words and finds a different way to characterize the core of John’s call.

Over the years I have had the good fortune to be in study groups, workshops, retreats and worship experiences with folk from several Christian traditions.

I believe that has helped me better understand not only what they bring to the reading/hearing of Scripture but also their lived Christian experience and more to the point what they can teach me about the depth and breadth of the Christian life.

With that mind, consider again what one could characterize as the “core” of John’s call.

What depth and breadth does John speak to you with today?

{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}

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