IV.As you read this passage, notice the contrast between a way of living and a way of dying. V.2 Corinthians 3:5-18 (NRSVue) Not that we are qualified of ourselves to claim anything as coming from us; our qualification is from … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Knowledge
VII.Today let’s spend time with these words of Paul and pay attention to what he identifies as his hope for the recipients of his letter. VIII.Colossians 1:24-2:3 (NRSVue) I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in … Continue reading
IV.In the last post we focused on Paul’s statement, “ … I want you to know …” and that led us to consider his focus on knowing, knowledge, understanding and wisdom. With that still in mind, today notice Paul calling … Continue reading
I.In the second paragraph of this week’s Scripture focus Paul writes, “ … I want you to know …” As you spend time with this passage, what do you think Paul wants us to know? II.Colossians 1:24-2:3 (NRSVue) I am … Continue reading
IV.Let’s spend a little more time thinking about “zeal.” What do you take to be Paul’s warning about “zeal”? V.Romans 10:1-17 (NRSVue) Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. … Continue reading
VII.Let’s give another reading to both of these passages. Take note that Paul speaks of what fulfills, what never ends, and what ceases. Read the passages again, looking for how the eternal might break into our lives that are often … Continue reading
IV.Today, let’s read both of these passages and then return to the 1 Corinthians passage and reread it. In part this passage deals with time. What do you hear it telling you about time and the ending of things? V.Romans … Continue reading
A link for this week’s Scripture passage –https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20corinthians%2013&version=NRSV;NIV;LEB;KJV VI.In this Scripture passage we read first of what cannot supplant love (vv 1-3), then it speaks to the behaviors of love (vv 4-7) and finally the completeness of love (vv 8-13). … Continue reading
IV.During our last time together we worked on getting an overview of the first chapter of Proverbs and began to think about one of the essential themes in Proverbs – Wisdom. Today I want us to zero in on one … Continue reading
VIII. I wonder if we hear Peter’s words to us as encouragement or scolding? It could be when we read, “… make every effort to support your faith with …” we could hear him speaking from disappointment and scolding us … Continue reading