ISSL Reflections February 25 2024 Habakkuk 2:1–5 Post 3

VII.The Prophet receives an “answer” to his complaint. Today let’s first take notice how the “answer” begins. VIII.Habakkuk 2:1-5 (NRSVue) I will stand at my watchpostand station myself on the rampart;I will keep watch to see what he will say … Continue reading

ISSL Reflections February 11 2024 Daniel 3:19–28 Post 3

VII.We start with a King who wants obedience and worship given him or responds with certain death to those who disobey. We then hear a King who acknowledges Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego are “servants of the Most High God…” And … Continue reading

ISSL Reflections February 11 2024 Daniel 3:19–28 Post 2

IV.Let’s notice today three sides of this account – King Nebuchadnezzar who wants (actually commands) obedience and worship; The “certain Chaldeans” (Daniel 3:8-9, 12) who denounced the three Jewish men for their failure to obey and worship the King despite … Continue reading

ISSL Reflections January 14 2024 Proverbs 3:1–8 Post 3

VII.In speaking of the God’s teaching and commandments, the teacher instructs his listeners to, “bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart.” What in the words of these proverbs directs you to how that is … Continue reading