January 5, 2020, 1 Kings 8:1-13 – Post 3 – ISSL Reflections

What are we building for God?

How are we contributing to making a place for God to inhibit?

What part of that “temple” are we working on today?

I know we don’t work on building the kind of Temple Solomon did, but surely we are called to build something for God, something for God’s Kingdom, for God’s people.

How do we do that?

How do we accept the work without becoming arrogant or self-satisfied about what we do?

How do we work on the task without seeking to control it?

And how do we let go, and let God take it where he wills?

So, should be co-workers with God in these days to come, or …. Do we think we know best and invite God to join us in our work?

{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}

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