April 26, 2020, Isaiah 61:8-11; 62:2-4a – Post 2 – ISSL Reflections

On the last post I asked you to pay attention to the image/metaphor in the Isaiah passages that grabbed your attention the most, the primary image that stayed with you after reading the passages.

I hope you spent time with the passages and noticed what grabbed your attention.

If not, please take time to do that today.

When we come to Scripture, most of us bring a lot with us. It’s natural and can’t be otherwise. We bring what we have been told about Scripture, what we have heard preached and taught and notions from a thousand different voices.

All that forms a lens (maybe many lens) through which we see, hear and understand Scripture.

What if sometimes we could quiet some of those voices and let Scripture speak to us afresh?

When I ask you to notice, pay attention, to the image that grabs you the most, that’s what I hope happens.

You listen to Isaiah, you pay attention to the prophet, and notice the world he is painting before you.

And then enter that world for a moment. What do you see? What do you hear? Would you want to live in that world? Or, are you uncomfortable there?

So, quiet yourself, still yourself, let go of the many voices that constantly seek your attention, and when you are still, look to Isaiah and ask him to show you the vision he has of God’s world.

{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}

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