April 19, 2020, Esther 7:1-10 – Post 3 – ISSL Reflections

Who was there as Esther “discerned” her path forward?

Mordecai, her guardian, her mentor (another word that is used maybe too often, but to me fits here), one that can speak the difficult word to her. Who, like a Mordecai has been there for you?

She told Mordecai to have the Jews of Susa fast for her. She had a community she could call on to fast (and pray ?) for her. Though she was isolated from them she could call for their support. The community that supports you does not have to be physically right next to you, do they? Yet, they support you as you find your path.

Her maids were in the same residence as her and she asked for their support too. I guess they could be considered part of her “small group” that probably shared many things and had come to know one another. Those who know you well, can be there for you as you seek the future you are to claim.

I can’t help but wonder – though “God” is not explicitly named in this account, could God be present?

Who of the people that surround Esther mediate God’s presence and direction to her?

This might be time to look around and notice who brings God’s nearness, support, and direction to you?

I think I’ll leave you for the moment and think about that a while as I notice the folks in my life.

{ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est}

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